Sapienza - International Office

«Sapienza» University of Studies offers several itnernational mobility opportunities for students, researchers and faculty, both incoming and outgoing.
On this page are collected a series of animated videos made to present and explain the offer, orient students as well as provide practical guides.


What's Mobility

What is international mobility? What are the programs offered by «Wisdom»?

Sapienza's offer

This video presents the possibilities offered by the University for incoming students, and the destinations available for outgoing students


Erasmus Office

This video provides a general overview of how the Erasmus office works: its duties, its offerings for students and trainees, both incoming and outgoing, as well as researchers and teachers

Extra-UE Office

Questo video fornisce una panoramica generale di come funziona l’ufficio Extra-UE: i programmi di cui si occupa, le sue mansioni, la sua offerta per studenti e tirocinanti, sia incoming che outgoing, nonchè ricercatori e docenti

Incoming Students

"Dolce Vita"

Living and studying in Italy is a unique experience: vibrant and stimulating, full of colors, flavors, culture and opportunities for professional growth. Find out what awaits you when you arrive in Rome, discover the Italian «Dolce Vita»

Erasmus Students Procedures

What procedures do you have to follow to study at «Sapienza» through the Erasmus+ program? In this video you will find essential procedures, answers to common questions, and a wealth of useful information to get your experience started.

Extra-UE Students Procedures

What procedures do you need to follow to study at «Sapienza» through one of the «Extra-EU» international mobility programs? In this video you will find the essential procedures, answers to common questions and a wealth of useful information to get your experience started.

International Admissions

The video shows procedures for international students applying for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes. Most of the programmes in English are available on our pre-selection platform, open from November to May for the annual September intake. 

Incoming - FAQ

Exams in Italy

How do exams work in Italian universities? When do they take place? How do ECTS work? In this video you will find all the essential information about how exams work at «Sapienza»

Residence Permit

How should the Italian residence permit be filled out? In this video you will find a step-by-step guide that will guide you through the correct filling out of the document

National Health System

How does the Italian health care system work? In this video you will find all the essential information you need to take advantage of the national health care system.

Where to find accommodation?

How and where is it possible to find accommodation in Rome? What are the active agreements from the university? What are the neighborhoods of Rome and in which is it preferable to look for housing? In this video you will find all the information you need to find housing

Outgoing Students - Erasmus

Erasmus for Study

Do you want to do a study period abroad in one of the European Union countries? You can do it thanks to the «Erasmus+» program, in this video you will find all the essential information and procedures to follow

Erasmus Application Procedure

In this video you will find the step by step procedure to participate in the «Erasmus+» program

Erasmus for Traineeship

Do you want to do a work period abroad in one of the European Union countries? You can do it thanks to the «Erasmus+» program: in this video you will find all the essential information and procedures to follow

Outgoing Students - Extra-UE

Bilateral Agreements

With «Bilateral Agreements» it is possible to carry out a period of study and thesis research in one of more than 200 Non-EU Universities that have an agreement with «Sapienza». In this video you will find all the useful info and procedures to follow

Double Degree

In this video you will find out what «Double Titles» are and how they work, the possibilities offered by «Wisdom,» and all useful information

ICM - International Credit Mobility

In this video you will find out what the Erasmus+ «ICM – International Credit Mobility» program is and how it works. This program is aimed at both teachers and researchers, in this video you will find all the useful information

What's Mobility

"Sapienza" offer

Video Timeline

0:00 Incoming Students

01:30 Outgoing Students


Erasmus Office

Video Timeline

0:00 start

01:04 Studenti in Uscita

01:22 Studenti in Entrata

01:55 Studenti Tirocinanti

03:11 Docenti e Ricercatori

04:14 Personale Amministrativo

Extra-UE Office

Video Timeline

0:00 start

0:42 Erasmus +Studenti ICM

01:18 Accordi Bilaterali

01:59 Doppi TItoli

02:53 Erasmus Mundus

03:28 Co.As.It

03:52 Civis

04:35 Progetti di Cooperazione

04:51 Summer/Winter School

05:35 Vulcanus

05:57 KAUST

Dolce Vita

Erasmus Students Procedures

Video Timeline

0:00 Intro

00:21 Erasmus Webpage

01:12 Apply Erasmus Traineeship

01:35 Applicatio Form

02:26 Academic Year

02:56 Exams and Courses

03:34 Required Documents

03:51 Language Requirements

04:24 Registration at Erasmus Office

04:50 RAEF

05:01 Infostud

05:38 Welcome Week

06:01 Accommodation in Rome

06:23 Tax Code

06:42 Public Transports

07:10 Health System

07:40 Residence permit

08:40 Institutional E-mail

Extra-UE Students Procedures

Video Timeline

0:00 start

01:14 Registration

01:50 Personal Page

01:53 NON-EU incoming website

02:13 Upload Documents

02:46 Matricola

03:04 Infostud

03:15 Acceptance Letter

03:29 Only for Erasmus+ ICM

04:24 Visa

05:00 Some Infos

International Admissions

Video Timeline

0:00 start

00:34 Infostud

01:30 Universitaly

02:30 Applications

03:20 Paying fees

04:05 Documents

04:35 Language Test

05:05 Admission Test

05:20 Validation

05:30 Enrolment

FAQ - Exams in Italy

Video Timeline

0:22 Type of Exam

0:58 How Exams take place

02:13 ECTS

02:44 Credit Transfer

03:11 Italian Grading System

03:38 Infostud

05:33 E-LEarning

05:56 Institutional E-Mail

FAQ - How to fill in the "Residence Permit"

Video Timeline

0:20 How to fill in the Residence Permit

00:34 Section 1 – Data for Application

01:43 Section 2 – Data of the Completed APplication

02:20 Section 3 – Personal Data

03:08 Section 4 – ID Data

03:28 Section 5 – Visa Data

04:30 Section 6 – Contact Information

04:55 Paying-in Slip

05:45 What Documents to Include

FAQ - National Health System

Video Timeline

0:18 How to Register

00:22 EU Students With E 106/S1 Form

00:41 EU Students Without E 106/S1 Form

00:53 Non-EU Students

01:08 Private Health Insurance

01:20 NHS Fees

01:41 What does Insurance Cover?

01:58 Where to Register?

FAQ - Where to Find Accommodation

Video Timeline

0:17 Where to Find Accommodation

00:50 Other Ways to Find Accommodation

01:36 Where to FInd Accommodation in Rome

02:16 What to Remember

Erasmus For Study

Erasmus Application Procedure

Video Timeline

0:00 start

01:51 Help Desk

02:11 Vademecum

02:33 Log-in

02:46 Riepilogo Dati

03:02 Esami Sostenuti

03:40 Titoli di Studio

03:53 Esperienze di Mobilità

04:25 Esonero dal Test

05:19 Iscrizione Test di Lingua

07:37 Scelta Destinazioni

09:15 Documento d’Identità

09:49 Conferma Candidatura

Erasmus for Traineeship

Bilateral Agreements - Info & Procedure

Video Timeline

0:00 intro

03:05 Bandi

03:46 Candidatura

04:15 Upload Documenti

04:43 Colloquio

04:50 Graduatoria

05:09 Accettazione

05:57 Lettera D’Accettazione

06:12 Learning Agreements

06:40 Contratto

07:16 Upload Documenti Arrivo

07:32 Change Form

08:42 Transcript of Record

09:00 Upload Documenti Finali

09:31 Conferma e Verifica

09:51 Saldo

Double Degree

ICM - International Credit Mobility