Sicily Region - Rural and Territorial Development Department

Project curated for the Sicilian Region’s ‘Department of Rural and Territorial Development’ with the aim of creating a brand and promoting three natural areas in the province of Messina:
“Aeolian Islands Parks”, “Malabotta Forest Reserve” “Fiumedinisi Reserve”

Brand Design

I love it when behind a complex project there is beautiful graphic and conceptual work to outline the brand identity.
In this project, we created the visual identity of the Aeolian Islands, Bosco di Malabotta and Fiumedinisi Reserves, all 3 of which are in the province of Messina.

Logo Design

When I first walked the paths of the Aeolian Islands, I was immediately struck by the number of viewpoints I could come across.
In each of these points, I could always see the silhouette of the islands and the blue line of the horizon dividing sea and sky in front of me.
In designing the logo for the Reserves, we started from this image, and then turned it into a simple, impactful and strongly recognisable pictogram.

Video Promo

The official promo video for the Nature Reserves of Alicudi, Filicudi, Panarea and Stromboli was made in October, following the payoff and the main concept of the project: ‘Walk through a unique paradise, experience nature all year round.


Did you know that there is a rare endemic species of lizard that lives only in isolated places in the Archipelago? And did you know that there is a ring-shaped path that runs around the entire perimeter of the island of Panarea?
We have created this website by putting in all the research we have done, care and passion, the aim being to make the natural beauty, the paths and the ‘green’ soul of the archipelago known in a simple, pleasant and quick way


Designing the information signs for the  we immediately set ourselves this objective: to create clear posters, consistent with the general branding of the project, and capable of allowing visitors to discover all the paths that can be travelled. Specifically, one rectangular vertical poster measuring 1 metre by 1.5 metres, and one square poster measuring 1 metre by 1 metre were produced for each reserve. The prints were made in Dibond material, designed to withstand the difficult climatic conditions of the Reserves

Interactive Map

As part of the Aeolian Nature Reserves Promotion Project, we created an interactive map of the Alicudi, FIlicudi, Panarea and Stromboli Islands.
We then collected and organised information on the trails, the beauty of the nature sites and the main points of interest.

Augmented Reality - App

Augmented reality is a technology that is not yet widespread but has great potential. In my opinion, a designer’s task is to create simple applications, consisting of just a few pages and with only the strictly necessary information.
The aim is to focus the users’ attention on the experience.
